The Yogi World
Full of Passion - Natural Carnelian with Wood Beads 108 Mala Necklace for Prayer and Meditation
Handcrafted by Zayra Mo, Full of Passion is the Natural Carnelian with Wood Beads 108 Mala Necklace for Prayer and Meditation.
The Carnelian goes back to Ancient Egypt where it took on many roles, from being a stone of fertility to stimulating passion and even provide courage to the ancient warriors and fighters.
Outside of Ancient Egypt, Carnelian is used by wizards. They would utilise the energy of this powerful stone to trigger other stones. Many also considered the stone to be a status symbol and wearing it would protect one from sickness and help avert any calamities.
Carnelian captivates in much the same way that the flash of a fiery sunset or the first blaze of autumnal brilliance does. It symbolizes bold energy, warmth, and a joy that lingers as much as it empowers and stimulates.
It’s known for being a stone of courage, endurance, energy, leadership, and motivation. Carnelians have inspired and protected us throughout history thanks to their bright, rich coloring.
Ancient Egyptians called carnelians “the setting sun” because its orange hues lend it more female, passive, receptive, qualities. The stone links to the rich and fertile menstrual blood of the Isis, a major goddess in the old religion. However, when the stone’s hues are redder, red-orange, and reddish-brown, it became an active male energy stone. It is traditionally worn to enhance desire, love, and passion.
What Is a Carnelian Stone Good For?
Carnelians are said to help fearful speakers become bold and eloquent. In ancient times, warriors wore carnelian crystal around their necks for bravery and to enhance physical power during combat.
Master architects in Ancient Egypt wore them to show their ranks and, in the Middle Ages, alchemists boiled the stone to activate the energies of other chalcedonies. As the first stone in High Priests’ breastplates in ancient times, carnelians symbolized the blood of the martyrs and kept illness and plague at bay.
What Chakra Is Carnelian For?
Carnelians are said to balance and open the sacral chakra, which stores our creative and sexual energies. This energy point is orange, just like the crystal, and attracts power, boosting vitality.
Carnelian Healing Properties
Carnelian is a healing crystal for a reason, it is able to heal the body, mind and soul. Its properties and connection to the Chakras allows it to help us in various aspects of our lives. Read on to find out more.
Physical Healing Properties
Carnelian stones are believed to be great for balancing body energy levels, increasing coordination during physical exercise regimes, and as training aids. This is because Carnelian can help to stimulate the muscles and allow oxygen to flow smoothly within the body. The warm nature of the stone also helps to heal stiff bodies and allow you to feel “freer” and “looser”.
This special gem can also help to stimulate sexual energy and boost fertility. Therefore, if you are having difficulties in this area, consider using the Carnelian to give you a help in the bedroom.
Emotional Healing Properties
The Carnelian stone is also known as The Singer’s Stone because it promotes confidence in people performing on stage or in live media. For the timid and shy ones, use this stone to give you a push when speaking to an audience. For those with a job that requires much performance, this stone will help support you in your endeavors.
The Carnelian crystal is also called The Artist’s Stone by promoting energy flow and letting your creatives juices flow. Paint, write, dance, sang, whatever it may be, the Carnelian is here to encourage and bolster your efforts.
Metaphysical Properties
The carnelian has connection to three lower Chakras, the foundation of them all being Root Chakra. This is the Chakra that keeps us grounded and in balance.
The stone is also connected to the Sacral Chakra, and the crystal healing abilities of the carnelian include boosting listless attitudes and stimulating appetites.
The final Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Chakra that governs our personality, identity and ego. It gives us our fighting spirit and thus the carnelian stone will support us in whatever obstacles we face.
Carnelian stone is also said to be a magnet for prosperity and good luck. It’s often used by people when they need a healthy dose of good fortune. Because it also functions as a crystal of ambition, determination, and drive, it’s believed to protect the wearer from the sluggish energies of incompetent co-workers.